From the majestic Yankee Clipper ships of the 1800’s to the first manned Apollo space flight, Gladding Braided Products has been asked to supply this country with the best in braided materials. We have grown—will continue to grow—in ways our founder, B.F. Gladding, couldn’t possibly have imagined in 1816 when he bought his first horse-powered braider. Yet Gladding has maintained B. F.’s original commitment to excellence without losing sight of what we do best. We are a braid manufacturer; that’s what our people know; that’s what our 2000+ braiding machines do best. Since 1816 we’ve been focused on one thing—Braided Products.
A Brief History
We continue to satisfy the needs of a wide clientele—large customers (the U.S. Department of Defense) and small (the Cosmic Goose, Morty the Knife Man). Obviously the requirements of such companies vary greatly; however, we pride ourselves on our tradition of providing uncompromising attention and dedicated service to each client.
“Uncompromising attention” and “dedicated service” mean not only responding to the needs of individual clients but also responding to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. We’d be in deep water, excuse the pun, if we were still focusing on the clipper ship market. Today’s economy requires us to continually look to expand our customer base. Utilizing recent advancements in computer and raw material technology, we design and engineer custom braids to satisfy even the most demanding specifications. We work with our clients to deliver their custom orders, including product prototypes, promptly and accurately.
We invite you to learn more about our company. Give us a call or better yet, stop in and see us. We’re located in the beautiful Otselic River valley at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. The air is clean; the fish are jumping; and the opportunities are endless.
We’re at Your Service
Dedication and service comes naturally to our people. Most of our workers are from small towns in or near the Otselic Valley. There is a sense of partnership and community here that simply cannot be manufactured. South Otselic people (Gladding people) believe in looking out for each other. Our customers tell us that once they do business with Gladding Braided Products, their expectations of the term “customer service” are forever changed. Our workers thrive on comments like these.
By paying close attention to details, such as follow up calls on all first time orders, returning phone calls promptly, delivering product prototypes promptly and accurately, we develop close and mutually profitable relationships with our customers.

Throughout the 1800’s, three generations of the Gladding family launched an empire. Today the “family”— a bit more extended and diverse perhaps than in the Gladdings’ day, but just as closely-knit—will proudly carry the Gladding name into the next century.
We hope you choose to be a part of our future.
Want to learn about us?
Let the History Channel tell you, watch the video from Modern Marvels.
Braided Wire Products
Braided Fiber Products
Watch video clips of Gladding Braided Products featured on
the History Channel Modern Marvels episode "Ropes & Chains".
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